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Address: St. Petersburg, 8 Basseynaya Ulitsa, room 205
SPIN-RSCI: 3965-9473
ORCID: 0000-0003-3600-3193
ResearcherID: AAJ-8567-2020
Scopus AuthorID: 57200536691
Google Scholar
A. A. Selin
Котюкова А. В.
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Nikita Argylov

  • Nikita Argylov has been at HSE University since 2022.

Education and Degrees

  • 2020

    Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

  • 2019

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)
    St Petersburg State University

  • 2014

    Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • 2011

    Degree in Journalism
    Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)


Argylov N. A. Lectures on local media. St. Petersburg, 2023

Articles and book chapters1

Article Gladkova A., Argylov N., Shkurnikov M. The interplay between digital and social inclusion in multiethnic Russian society: An empirical investigation // European Journal of Communication. 2022. Vol. 37. No. 6. P. 606-628. doi


  • 2024

    Журналистика в цифровую эпоху: технологии и методология творчества (Минск). Presentation: Медиапотребление молодежи в фокусе факторов и индикаторов социального самочувствия

  • Коммуникация в современном мире (Воронеж). Presentation: Медиасистема российской Чукотки: попытки описания

  • 2023
    Региональная журналистика, реклама и связи с общественностью: вызовы и решения (Иваново). Presentation: Районные газеты России в фокусе изменений: результаты интервью
  • Медиа как фактор адаптации человека к социальным, экономическим и политическим изменениям (Екатеринбург). Presentation: Проблемы профессиональных редакций районных СМИ: мнения
  • 2022
    Региональная журналистика: культурные коды, пространство смыслов, полиэтнический дискурс (Ростов-на-Дону). Presentation: Радио «Буряад ФМ» в структуре медиасистемы Республики Бурятия: экономика, аудитория

Union of Journalists of Russia (since 2012)

National Association of Mass Media Researchers (since 2013)

Russian Association of Public Relations (since 2019)

Association of Teachers of Public Relations (since 2019)


Recipient of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian Candidates of Sciences (2021-2022)

Employment history

Nikita Argylov is a Russian media researcher, journalist and PR specialist. His field of research includes new media at the age of digitalization, local and hyperlocal media, media representation of ethnic identity, PR communications, crisis communications, media economy and management.

Since 2006 Nikita Argylov has worked as a correspondent and editor-in-chief for a number of Russian print and online media, including “Olekma”, “Saha Sire”, “Zhivaya Gazeta”, “Nash Universitet”. “Open. Otkritiy universitet” and many others.

He provides consulting in the field of PR strategies. He was in charge of election campaigns at different political levels.

Since 2016 till 2019 was the head of department of media policy and public relations at North-Eastern Federal University.

Since 2009 – Director of the non-profit organization “Information Policy Laboratory”.

From September 2019 to July 2022 – Director of the Academic Department of Communications and Media of the School of Arts and Humanities of the Far Eastern Federal University

From September 2020 – Academic supervisor of the educational program “Advertising and Public Relations”. Part-time associate professor.

Timetable for today

Full timetable